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[[double underlined]] Friday, November 22, 1935 [[/underlined]]
  The morning was nice and rainy so I didn't go out. About 4:30 that Afternoon Mr. Adamson & Alper came by to take us to see the boat which is being built for the young man. On the way out we stopped and picked up Mr. Algernon (Poke) Wharton, and Richard (about the same age as Alper). We also met Mr Louis Wharton who is Richard's father. Mr Wharton has made most of the arrangements for the building of the boat. Alper is going to name it some Hawaiian name, which I have forgotten. The boats are rather crude affaires made by native workmen out of native woods. The finished article is not bad at all. They put the ribs into the boat after the hull is made!

[[underlined]] Saturday, November 23 1935 [[/underlined]]
  This was quite a rainy morning, and when I say rainy I mean that it poured rain once or twice, and was overcast most of the day. At 2:30 Mrs. Adamson came by for us in her car, accompanied by Mrs Pike. Altho' the day had been rainy, they did not

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seem to think that that was any reason for staying home. I had been dubious about going in swimming as early that morning I developed what [[strikethrough]] seemed [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] felt [[/insertion]] like a muscular pain in my right leg. However, when the time came to go, I felt quite fit. We took the Western Main Road, which we had been on the day before, to Macqueripe Bay, on the north coast. In spite of the rain, quite a few people were there before us, but we had no difficulty in obtaining bath-houses (6d apiece). The bay itself is a narrow stretch of water protected partly on the north side by coral reef. The water is fairly [[strikethrough]] well [[/strikethrough]] warm & not at all invigorating. I never once went beyond my depth. When I got back to the bath-house I discovered a roll of sand and pebbles wedged between me and my bathing suit, but they were not troublesome and the suit was easily shaken out. After swimming we had tea, with which there was a delicious pound cake made by Mrs. Adamson's cook. We arrived home about 6.
  Mrs. Pike, who accompanied us, is a small little person weighing about a hundred pounds, with Dutch bob and