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description of them and their remarks. This will serve to bring them to mind. [[double underlined]] Mr & Mrs Carmichael [[/underlined]] she is the lady we met the first time we were at the Adamsons. She works in the college library. He is employed by the government. They have lived many years in China where he was employed by one of the railways. She much prefers China to Trinidad. She claims that the people of China are not only more cosmopolitan, but that they are interested in things outside of their own immediate circle. (this is speaking of the foreigners)
[[underlined]] Mr & Mrs Patterson [[/underlined]] - He appeared in a Tuxedo, and she in a lace dinner dress. She looks quite a bit younger than he, she also seems less "Rights" They left early as they were going to a dinner party.
[[underlined]] Mr & Mrs Louis Wharton [[/underlined]] If Algernon is hard to talk to, Louis is ten times worse. Maybe that was because he felt he didnt know me. Of all the people there they look the most foreign, and yet speak with the broadest English accent. Mrs Wharton is very nice looking. She is tall, her hair is black, and her complexion nice, and she dresses becomingly. She

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was raised in England - I understand her father was a prominent Socialist - and has been few places besides there and Trinidad. As a result she has some queer ideas about the outside world. Such as thinking that they dont celebrate Christmas much in the U.S. Her belief was that we did all our celebrating at Thanksgiving. It gives me special delight to rub it in to those kinds of people so I replied, "On the contrary we celebrate Christmas more than any nation on earth, as we begin at Thanksgiving, and keep up the celebration until after New Years" - I guess that held her. Apart from some little things like that she was very nice to me, and invited us to come to their home some time in the [[strikethrough]] neal [[/strikethrough]] near future.
[[underlined]] Mr.& Mrs. Pickles [[/underlined]] - She is Mrs. Pike's sister as well as the sister of Mr. Jardine. She is quite a bit taller than Mrs. Pike, and her hair is darker. They both have Dutch bobs. I had no conversation with her. Dick spoke to him, but I have no more than a hazy idea of what he is like.
[[underlined]] Mr. & Mrs. Silow [[/underlined]] - Both seem quite young, and he was specially ill at ease when he first came in. She looks like Ruth Russell, and