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deal of time in Palestine. He is supposed to be quite an authority on bats.
[[underlined]] Mr & Mrs Arner [[/underlined]] are a young American couple who are here with Pan American Airways. He is quite an animal collecting enthusiast, and he has a centipede, about 11 inches long, which he has kindly offered to donate to the Washington zoo. Dick immediately wrote Bill Mann an air mail letter to find out if he wants it. I did not get to talk to Mrs Arner very much and I should like to know her better. It is good to see some Americans once again. After the party the Adamsons asked us to drive in to Port of Spain with them and go to a show, but we didnt feel much in the mood for shows, so we only accepted the ride.

[[underlined]] Saturday December 7, 1935 [[/underlined]]
I went to the dentist this morning to get my tooth filled. While there he found another cavity so he filled both the teeth at the same time. He seems to be a very careful dentist, altho' he gave me a bad moment or two. The cavity was so large that there was a great deal of the sensitive part exposed.

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After that I went to town and did a little buying - a box of Roger and Gallet soap, 3 cakes for 45 cents.
Dick was busy most of the afternoon working on glossary cards. He went to the library early this afternoon.

[[underlined]] Sunday, December 8, 1935 [[/underlined]]
I wasnt feeling so very "chipper" to-day, so I spent most of the time reading and sleeping.
The people in the room next to us are a nasty pair. The other day Dick and I were having a little talk about Zoologists and the like, and I guess our conversation was overheard - you dont have to talk very loudly, in these buildings with 1/2 lattice partitions, for that to happen - as the next morning very early "Mr Muskrat" was making some very sluring remarks about "Dr. Darwin and his wife, next door". She has the most awful voice I've heard in a long time, and they are constantly complaining. The servants dislike them too. Their crudities take so many different forms that it is hard to enumerate them.