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[[underlined]] Monday, December 9, 1935 [[/underlined]]
I spent the entire morning writing letters to the various post masters in the B.W.I's asking them to send me some Jubilee issues. Dick will then take the letters down & get money orders for them. I will send about 3 shillings to each place. Dick was out at St. Augustine so I had the entire use of the typewriter without depriving him of it. 

[[underlined]] Tuesday, December 10, 1935 [[/underlined]] 
I didn't feel very well again today. Guess I did too much yesterday. Anyway, I felt like sleeping & reading, so I did both. 
Dick is still trying to find out about his motor. At least he knows now what ship it is coming on.

[[underlined]] Wednesday December 11, 1935 [[/underlined]] 
This morning I went to the dentist to have him polish over the fillings, and to pay him what I owe. His bill was $5.00 - a pleasant surprize. 

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[[underlined]] December 12, 1935 [[/underlined]]
I have started an article on West Indian cookery. It takes time to do things like that, as I'm not an old hand at it. Miss Huggins has very kindly loaned me 2 cook books, one on British Guiana and the other on Trinidad. They both contain other West Indian cookery. The Trinidad one contains her recipe for mango chutney - that perfectly swell stuff, which gives one a terrible breath after eating it. It seems to be far worse than onions or even plain garlic, but the eating is worth it to me, if Dick can stand to have me around him after I have so indulged myself.
This afternoon after tea the maid brought in a Persian kitty for us to see. It belongs to Mrs. Listan the young lady in the house next to ours. The kitten didn't act a bit friendly at first, and just walked under the bed. Dick then picked it up by the nape of the neck, and put it on the bed, and the cat immediately began to play with him. It was either the picking up in that manner, or the being put on the bed, which she liked.