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and it was all the Mothers could do to keep the children from being in the water all day long. It was a most delightful day.

[[underlined]] Wednesday, December 18, 1935 [[/underlined]]

Dick and Dr Pound were gone for the day. I spent the morning typing and writing a letter. About 4 o'clock the Consulate phoned to say there was mail for us there. I went down at once to get it. When I came home Dick & Mr. Pound were there, and they were waiting tea for me. They brought me a nutmeg - the first I've ever seen. 

[[underlined]] Thursday, December 19, 1935 [[/underlined]] 

Dick went out again, and I didn't expect him home until late. However, he was home in time for tea, as it was rainy out, and not good for collecting.

In the evening we went to see "I am a Thief". So far every picture we've seen has been at the Globe.

[[underlined]] Friday, December 20, 1935 [[/underlined]]

Went to town in the morning to get some letters in the mail. Also to order and buy some things in preparation to our

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leaving. The money sure goes. When I got home Dick & I went over our accounts & discovered that we've spent $200 since we've been here. 

I slept most of the afternoon and when I woke up I wrote a few letters.

[[underlined]] Saturday December 21, 1935 [[/underlined]]

This morning I wrote in my journal and straightened out some of my papers. Dick went to town and when he returned we came to the decision that we would stay here until January 7th. 

We read in the newspaper about the plane mishap last night. The plane nosed over in landing at Corcainte. It was the first accident in more than seven years of flying in this area. No one was killed altho' several were badly injured. 

We didn't do much that afternoon or evening. I had the pain in my side again. 

[[underlined]] Sunday, December 22, 1935 [[/underlined]]

This morning Mrs Adamson & Alper came by to take us on a picnic.