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at the hands of the mob, by escaping to the French Legation. He was later thrown over the wall to a howling populace who actually tore him to shreds ....... As a result, the U.S. intervened in 1915 ....... 1912 Le Conte, & most of his body guard were blown up with the Palace ...... I wonder who Ash Pay Davis is.

[[underline]] Friday, December 27 1935 [[/underline]]
  Didn't do much in morning. In the afternoon went down to P.O. and bought some remainders of Jubilee stamps. Found some 6 cent ones in a small shop. Also bought some pickles and priced face powder. I found that I pay by patronizing Scotts. The Yardley's powder I paid 60 cents for there, is 48ยข in grocery stores. It rained most of the afternoon. That evening we went to the Empire for the first time. Saw "Lives of a Bengal Lancer". I liked it.

[[underline]] Saturday, December 28, 1935 [[/underline]]
  Lots of wind to-day. I had a cold coming on. To-day Dick finally told me that he had had a bad spill Thursday before last. No wonder he was so tired
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and sore last week! Maybe it is best I didnt know, as I would probably have worried around a lot about him.
  We worked on stamps a good part of the afternoon. I believe Dick went out to river Estate this morning.

[[underline]] Sunday, December 29, 1935 [[/underline]]
  Another rainy and very windy day - which I dislike. We were going thru the Institute but discovered it was closed. I spent a good part of the day writing letter. In the late afternoon, after tea, I worked on stamps. I made some new & improved holders. This evening I had the sniffles again. I went to bed & started the book by Wallace "The Door with the 7 Locks".

[[underline]] Monday, December 30, 1935 [[/underline]]
  Wrote in my Journal most of the morning. Dick went to town doing some errands in preparation to going to Tobago.
  In the afternoon we went to see the Museum at the Victoria Institute. We went after hours as Prof. Urich was acting as our Guide. The Museum