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Date February 4th 1936

Feb 4th - David Lamson is to undergo his [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] third trial and jurymen were being chosen. 
Charles Lindbergh passed his 34th birthday
George H. Whisler's name is on the list of 30 from which 19 members are chosen to serve on the grand jury of Santa Clara county.
U.C. plans to offer a course in television in its extension division.
"The 40 Days of Musa Dagh" is now a play on Broadway - directed by Max Reinhardt
Gordon Davis, son of Mrs Clark T Davis, recently deceased, is now director of the Portland Community Players.
Barbara Beach Thompson (quite a golf enthusiast) were entertained in Honolulu by [[insertion]] Mr & [[/insertion]] Mrs Frederick Butler Carter III who have a small daughter.
Betty Nourse has gone to New York where she plans to study at the Traphagen School of Design.
Grace Westphal (Kappa Delta U.C.) is now Mrs. William Hays of Palo Alto - Bill Yates was best man, and Emma Barham was a maid of honor.

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We had tea at 4 and went aboard soon after the ship came in. Even at that we didn't get our cabin until about 6:30. I just had time to dress before the Hatches came aboard. Had Pragnell again. Room 8. 
The boat was rather crowded so we had to sit at second sitting - almost 8 o'clock. Our waiter was very poor & seemed to resent having to wait on us. We had dinner - soup to nuts - and I think the Hatchs enjoyed it. They left about 9:30.
Before dinner Dick & I did some money changing for an old woman who came aboard to sell things. As a result we had a hundred or more (egtd) "God Bless You"s heaped on our heads.
I asked Mr Hatch about Fort Charlotte - and its uses - and he told me that what I suspected was true. The conditions, sanitary & otherwise, would shame the 18th century. The fort is used for the paupers as well. As there is no one to care for the insane, they are locked up and if they screech and yell it is "only the paupers whom they bother". They are trying to get