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[[preprinted]]52[[preprinted]] St Lucia #22 - St Remy 1
[[margin]]April 20[[margin]]
Monday - Spent the morning packing. Dick went to town for mail & last minute errands.  
Last evening we saw a mongoose stalking a chicken, but it didn't seem to frighten the chicken - rather it infuriated it as it made a squawk & jumped for the mongoose. This seemed enough to discourage the mongoose.  
A little before 2 Dick took the motor down and a car came for me - to pick up the luggage etc. We were safely aboard the Jewel by 2 and we waited until almost 3 for an invalid man to arrive. Finally, after somewhat of a scene with the woman sent to hold the boat we got going. The sea was nice and calm and the ride down was rather interesting. We passed the Cul de Sac bay where two ships were anchored - one had been on Castries the day before - they were very likely loading sugar. We also passed Roseau bay and Marigot harbor - a long narrow indentation. 
Our first stop was Anse la Raye.  We were met by a small canoe but there was nothing for them to take off of the boat. 
Our second stop was Anse des Canaries where a creole lady got off into a small row boat.  It was just a little rough.

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From here we went east a little into rougher water, so as to round the Grand Caille Point.  This point partially hides the Pitons from view.  After we rounded the point we had a most impressive view of the Pitons.  However, we soon had other things to think of as we were at the dock.  
There was a taxi waiting for us and the driver had engaged a porter to carry our 8 pieces of luggage.  I attended to this while Dick saw to getting the motor off of the launch.  I gave the porter 1 shilling, and he seemed very surprised.  
After stopping for gas for Dick we drove out to Miss Helen du Boulay's.  It is just a little over 3 miles from town and the fare was 7 shillings.  Miss du Boulay met us at the door & took me to the room which Dick had previously picked out for us.  
It is a large downstairs room with dressing room - very pleasant.  We had tea soon after our arrival.  Then before it got too dark we did some unpacking.  
Dinner was very nice, and after it we sat & chatted a while with Miss du Boulay - she is charming -.  Some large green moths came in to the light.  I did not like them, altho they are beautiful

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