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In writing this journal of Montserrat, I shall not follow my usual procedure of writing a daily account. As our stay on this island will be of but two weeks duration, a plain narrative style can easily be adopted. 
We arrived the morning of July 13th. I began my disembarcation by stepping on the bottom rung of the gang plank just as there was a sudden swell. Net result - wet feet and legs, and a splashed dress. 
We went thru the customs post haste. There is a customs house, but no one seems to use it, and everything is inspected at the end of the pier. We were the only white people who came ashore. 
After a visit to Llewellen Wall's, where we obtained some mail, we went up to the Coco Nut Hill Hotel -- ordinarily called The Hotel as it is the only one in town. There we were met with a slight reverse to our pocket book as we shall have to pay $5 a day. This is for the two of us. It seems a lot, but when I compare what I get here with what we got in Guadeloupe

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Transcription Notes:
Llewellyn Wall is a shipping agent in Montserrat. The hotel is the Coconut Hill Hotel.