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[[preprinted]] 2 [[/preprinted]] for 6 dollars a day I realize how little we got for our money in Guadeloupe. The food is excellent and very well cooked; the coffee is a treat, but it should be as it is Maxwell House; the beef tastes like beef and the mutton like lamb; we have 2 or 3 vegetables with each meal; and we have canned things when fresh cannot be had. We have a fairly large room, with a bed as big as the one we had in Barbados. There are no electric lights, but the gasoline lights are quite as bright as electricity. The bed rooms have kerosene lamps. There is a radio in the house and it is run by batteries. Altho this place is glorified with the name of Hotel, it really is a boarding house. On this latter basis the only thing we may find to object to is that we have been seated at the large dining room table with the Negress -Miss Gillie (or [[strikethrough]] Gillin? [[/strikethrough]]). Our fellow boarders are Dr Powell - physisist and seismologist (Cambridge); Sir [[strikethrough]] Jeffery [[/strikethrough]] Gerald [[arrow to Cambridge]] Conyngham geo. physisist and friend of Day of the U.S. Geodedic survey; and Miss Lena Howes, niece of Miss Gillie, who works in the bank. She is about 18. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 3 [[/preprinted]] After all the wild tales we had heard of the earthquakes on this island, I was fully prepared for numerous shocks. We have now been here a week and one slight shock, which occurred the second day we were here, is the most we've had. However in this week there have been 2 severe earthquakes in South America. One in Santiago Chile and the other one in Colombia. The most unpleasant result of the volcanic activity on this island, is the odor of the sulphur. There are two separate and distinct odors. One is rotten egg, and the other is mustard mixed with vinegar & slightly decayed meat. The latter is much rarer & Sir [[strikethrough]]Jeffrey[[strikethrough]] Gerald says he believes we are the only two people in the house who have smelled it. I am told that one even becomes accustomed to the bad egg odor. The sulphur certainly bothered my throat at first as within 24 hours after our arrival I was suffering with a rough throat and slight cough. The [[strikethrough]]second[[strikethrough]] third night we were here I had such difficulty in breathing that I [[end page]]