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[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted] was awake most of the night. The pain and congestion was the worst I ever remember having, and I was afraid I might have pneumonia or some other serious complication. Early the next morning Dick phoned the Dr to come and see me. We were told he was a colored man but I was too sick to care about the condition of his skin, as long as he would be able to relieve me. The Dr's name is Margetson. He is a graduate of Edinburgh and he seems to know what he is about. He gave me an injection, and a prescription for medicine to make me expectorate. He diagnosed my trouble as bronchitis - of a somewhat asthmatic variety - and advised me to stay in bed. He came the next morning and found my condition so much improved that he felt further calls unnecessary. My improvement certainly was rapid and I feel that Dr Margetson deserves a lot of credit. The medicine he gave me tends to make me perspire and it has also caused an unsightly rash over my back neck & shoulders. It is really more than a rash. It is a series of eruptions. Nevertheless, it [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]] may be a way for my body to throw off the poisons. I was in bed 2 days, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th. On Saturday I got up and sat in the sun - following the Dr's advice. He said that sunshine is very necessary to me these damp rainy days, and that it would do me good to get the direct rays on my body. While in bed I read "Gaudy Night" by Dorothy L. Sayers. It was good, but not quite as good as Bellona Club. Sunday afternoon we went up to Government House to tea. Acting Commissioner & Mrs Moir (pronounced Moyer) are from Dominica, where he is Warden of the Northern district. He is taking the place of Thomas E. P. Baynes who is now acting Administrator of Dominica, in the absence of Popham. The Moir's are most charming people. They are very fond of animals and they have 4 cats here with them - a mother and 3 babies. Dick saw their 2 dogs when he visited the Forbes in Portsmouth Dominica. Mrs Moir comes from Cheshire and, like [[end page]]
Transcription Notes:
Bellona Club refers to another book by Sayers.