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the U. S. Miss Gillie is a relative of hers by marriage. I cant imagine anyone who was accustomed to American conveniences, being very fond of the place. It is a big rambling house - fairly well suited for a hotel, but there are only 2 or 3 rooms in the whole place which are homelike. The whole upstairs is dark & gloomy. The woodwork is dark stained & that contributes to the gloomy effect. Several coats of white paint would help it a lot. The bathroom is also dark, and there is a dirty ring around the top ^[[insertion]] of the tub [[/insertion]] caused by the sulphur. There are no electric lights. 
    The food was very good and it was most thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Gillie fixed me a big lot of [[double underlined]] good rich [[/double underlined]] broth when I was ill. She seems to be a very kind-hearted person. 
    We had noticed that a great many of the natives who are only slightly colored have a tendency to freckle, this gives them a peculiar expression. The black people call them "red skins," and I wonder if that means they are any way connected with the "red legs" who were sent out in such numbers to these colonies. 
    If the natives in Montserrat are to be judged by the ones [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] living in the ravine

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near the hotel, then I should say that they are the most quarrelsome people in the West Indies. Scarcely a day passed that we didn't hear several hours of loud abusive harrangue - Sundays the men joined in. It became quite annoying. 
    It was in Montserrat that I heard for the first time of white clothes being scorched by the sun when put out to dry. The story is that white clothes must be kept wet with water, when they are being bleached & suned, else they are sure to scorch! This sounds like the laundress' excuse for scorching the clothes when she ironed them. 
    Nearly every place we go the servants do and say things which are amusing. In Montserrat, the most amusing thing was their inability to answer in any other way but "Yes Sir." As they all answered me in this manner I took it to be a general fault of all the servants. Perhaps it is because they always have many more men staying at the hotel, and thus they get in the habit. 
    The last Sunday we were there we hired a car & paid a visit to the Wilsons who are connected with the Montserrat Co. 

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