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Antigua #2.

do away with all the mess & pestering, so he left me at the customs house while he went up to the agency. It seemed as if he was gone ages, and while I was waiting, a lively little porter came up and asked me if I didn't want him to carry our bags from the pier into the customs house, as our luggage was getting "thrown about." I got to the door of the customs just in time to see the alcohol tank sailing thru the air. This, and seeing our other bags -- including the radio -- being thrown aside, decided me that action should be taken, so I arranged a price of 3/ for Roberts, from the pier to the customs, and an extra 5/ to any place in town, if we gave him the job. 
we had barely gotten the things in the customs when Dick arrived with Mr Petre-Hay, from Bennet Brysons, and they had another porter. I was told that the other porter would take care of our baggage, and the customs inspector -- probably thinking I hadn't made arrangements with Roberts-- asked Roberts how much he was charging me to bring the bags to the customs. Before Roberts could answer, a lot of other porters began making claims, whereupon
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the customs inspector turned on them with a glowering look & bellowed "Shut up -- I asked Roberts." For some reason or other, Roberts answered that his charge was 2/ so I paid the money and Dick & I rushed off with Mr. Petre-Hay -- glad to be out of the argument. 
Mr. Petre-Hay drove us to a lodging house which is run by Dean Shephard's wife.  The name of the place is Avon-Dassett. Mrs. Shephard is very ill at present, and her granddaughter is trying to carry on. The place was very nice, but their price was a little high -- L5/10 a week a piece (maybe it was for the 2 - it should have been). We said "Thank you" we'll look elsewhere first.  Then we went to the only hotel in town "The Globe" and there they asked us for $190 a month for the 2 of us. The higest price we've ever been asked. The only other name we had was Mrs. Brand's and she is in the country and no longer takes boarders. 
The manager at the Globe -- a very attractive young girl -- said we could try up the street at Mrs Mason's, as she often took in paying guests. Here we found things more to our liking - $80 a month for the 2 of us.
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