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Antigua 44

Prof of chemistry at Cal. - I know of him through the Masonic Club. She was in Berkeley at the time of the dock strike. I also found out that they are related to the Eyre Branches in Mexico City. I hope I get a chance to visit her again before I leave. 
[[margin]] Sept 18 Friday. [[/margin]]
It was a very rainy morning, but it cleared a little in the afternoon. Mr. Alexander Raeburn came in to play Mah Jong. He also loaned us his book of standardized rules. Mrs Christian Branch called. 
[[margin]] Sept 19 Sat. [[/margin]]
I sorted and packed shells most of the morning until I had a crick in my back. After lunch I made some open face sandwiches for Mrs Mason to use this afternoon. Mrs Lake & Mrs Christian Branch came to bridge & [[strikethrough]] tea [[/strikethrough]] cocktails. I made the sandwiches out of vienna sausages & they were much nicer than ordinary potted meat. 
Mrs Lake brought me 2 shells from Anguilla & some stamps which Mrs Maguinley had left at her house for me. 
Addie & Thelma lake went aboard the Lady boat. It was late as it went out of its course to avoid the storm.

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[[underlined]] Sunday September 20, 1936. [[/underlined]]
Last night I tried to show cook how to cook corn, but it was already too tough before it was cooked - net result, not so hot. 
This morning Dick, Ginger, Addie & I went to the Fort to swim. We took Addie's pup Carlo along with us and what a cute little fellow he is! We came home about 12:30 - very tired - and Ginger mixed us some lime squashes which set us up again. 
At 3 we started out for Five Islands Estate to visit Mr Raeburn. We arrived a little before tea time so he took [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] us around the place and showed us the different views. We also made the acquaintance of the cats, the dog and the macaw. The latter has a broken wing and is a very friendly bird - not a bit like [[strikethrough]] J[[overwrites F]]ikes [[/strikethrough]] Jikes. The macaw has no name. He had tea with us and he made friends with everyone. After tea we hiked down to Little Bay, which is part of Galley bay, to get some shells. Shells are more plentiful on this beach than any beach I've ever seen. We picked up some beauties. We got back to Five Islands just before dusk.