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Antigua 46

Naturally we were pretty tired when we got home, but not too tired for a round of Mah Jong before bed. 
Mr Raeburn is a Cornell graduate and veterinary. His father is a naturalized American and his mother is of Portuguese descent. He is, by virtue of birth and present residence, a British subject. This all helps to make an interesting tangle when he wants a passport etc. He is very nice as well as generous and I came home with a bottle of divi-divi honey -- made on his place. He also gave me a fairly rare shell called the bleeding tooth. 
[[margin]] Sept 21 Mon. [[/margin]]
Dick went out and I stayed home to write some letters and do some mending. I always seem to wait until the boat is due before I begin my letters. 
In the afternoon I went down to mail the letters and to the library. The launch from the Lady boat was just in and Mrs. Lord & Miss Hollander were getting off. The former made such an ado and noise that she attracted considerable attention -- which is probably just what she wanted. What a bossy person she is!
Mrs Goodwin, one of the librarians, 
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asked me to tell Ginger that Mr Charlesworth Ross would like the book "What a Word." As C. R. rather annoys me -- being a colored fellow with few manners -- I told her to tell him ^ [[insertion]] from me [[/insertion]] that he could have the book when we were through with it, and our 14 days lending period was up. The thing which amuses me about it is that [[underlined]] supposedly [[/underlined]] Chas. Ross knew Ginger had the book but he doesn't give his bossy messages himself -- he saw Ginger yesterday -- he wants some one else to do it for him. Another angle to it is that Ginger is so gullible. Ross thinks he is pretty hot stuff -- his mother is English -- and he is insulting [[strikethrough]] about [/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] to [[/insertion]] Ginger in many ways, yet Ginger doesn't notice it, or act as if it matters. Ginger is inclined to think money talks very loudly, and as Ross's father is fairly well to do, that excuses him. Addie and I agree that if Ginger wants C.R.'s money to talk loudly to him -- o.k.-- but I certainly think less of him for it. 
In the afternoon I had a slight side pain so I took some medicine and lay down. Eve [[insertion]] -ning [[/insertion]] was same as usual.