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Shortly after we left San Pedro we flew over Cuidad Trujillo, we did not fly directly over the city, but about 1/4 mile out to sea. It all looked familiar - the Coamo River, La Fortaleza etc. - I didnt get to see as much as I would have liked as there was a dense rain cloud between the plane and land. Travelling became a little rough.
From Trujillo to Haiti the vegetation gradually becomes more sparce, and finally gives way to arid regions which have what look to be muddy alkali lakes. To the north are towering mountains which are among the most grandiose of the West Indies. I believe there is more actual [[underlined]] mountain[[/underlined]] formation than on any other island.
We passed over several of these mud lakes and each time I asked Dick to get up and see if it was ^[[insertion]] Lago de[[/insertion]] Enriquillo. In one instance I could hardly believe him when he said "no" as it was such an extensive