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before last when Dick was in the Dom. Rep. Mr Matson is with the telephone co.
We also met Mrs Barnes after dinner. She seems very different from Ralph, & I would say is striving for a sophistication which she hasn't quite achieved - in this she reminds me of Louie - She is very interested in art, and black & white is her medium of expression. I find [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] her work [[/insertion]] a little severe & disembodied, but there is no doubt that she has a talent for expressing herself. It always seems to me a pity when an artist lives in a colorful country, like Haiti, and yet rejects color from their art. I hope she will change her mind about black & white - she didnt seem firm in her conviction that it was the only method for her. I should like to know Mrs Barnes better as she seems a most interesting person, and one can judge so little from only a few hours talk.
We went to bed fairly early and