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he gone back to let off weight.
It was rather cloudy & stormy over the ocean and we were almost upon Jamaica before we saw the land.
[[underlined]] Jamaica [[\underlined]]
The first glimpse we had of Jamaica were the breakers breaking on the north shore. It was very pretty. Then we turned east & followed the shore to Pt. Morant & Morant Bay. From Morant Bay to Old Harbour was the roughest part of the trip - there were several small boys on the plane who thought it great fun. We landed safely [[insertion]] about 12 noon [[/insertion]] and were passed thru' the customs in no time at all. We then went direct to the South Camp Road Hotel where we got a room without bath.
We had lunch and after lunch went to see Miss Nixon at the J.A.A. She said she thought she could find a place for us at 3 guineas [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] apiece week and I thought that rather cheap until I began to think it over. - Anyway she had