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making a net to go over the car. I was in a most lazy mood so Dick really did all the work. After tea we drove out to the Constant Spring Hotel, but didnt go in the grounds. It seems to get dark so quickly these evenings - and is so much more noticeable than on any of the other islands. In the evening we walked down to the Gaiety Theatre and on the way passed Oscar. He probably wondered why we were walking, as I had told him only that morning that we had a car. Later on I too wondered why I had suggested walking, as East Queen isn't as nice a street to walk on as it could be. We also did not know that street cars do not run after a certain hour and we might have waited all night had not a bus come along. While waiting we were accosted (Sp by 2 different taxi drivers who were very presistent. The latter began to give us a big song a dance about being a