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delegates as resplendent in fine array.------ (From memoranda and memory)--I left Florence about 1 a.m., the train being over an hour late.  I had a distressing time finding out which train to take.  There were two great platforms and I did not know which one was for trains for Roma and which for trains for the north.  They would not sell me a through ticket either, only to the frontier.  I did not know the train was late and tried to take a train that came along about the time mine was due, but I could not get a door open--there was no conductor in sight, but there usually is not.  I appealed to a sleepy fakino and he said it was not my train-- though I was by no means sure he knew.  I took to asking every fakino in sight on both platforms as to which platform the train for Brenner would stop at.  I got two replies for one, three for the other, not a reassuring plurality.  As time passed some passengers appeared, and I asked a soldier (in alleged French, of course).  He replied in what he thought was English, but I could guess better than he could.  I could not make him understand Brenner.  He asked "Verona?" "No, Brenner," after several more guesses, he half turned away from me as if out of patience.  I was desperate and repeated "Brenner," with all the emphasis at my command" as Teddy would put it, and the soldier said,"Oh, Brrrrennairrrrrrrr!"  Then he told me when the train was likely to be along, and it finally did come.  It was easy going through the frontier this time, for I had only my tiny hand-bag.  The conductor sold me a ticket, charging me extra for not having a through ticket, when they would not sell me a through one in Florence.  It was a glorious day crossing the Tyrol again--as long as I had to take the journey I wanted to make the most of it.  The compartment was crowded, 7 of us, but I had taken the seat by the window while a man was a t breakfast, and he kindly insisted on m my keeping it.  He was busy smoking and talking with the others, any-