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advising me to take some money besides the draft I bought from them. The man said there might be delay in cashing it. I took the draft with a letter from the N.Y. bank on which it was drawn recommending me to Banco Brasil. After long consultation I was told they couldn't cash any of it until they had written or cabled to N.Y. and received an answer. So I went to Nat. City Bank of N.Y. and cashed a $50 ABA traveller's

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check. Mrs. Evans had another travellers check which they demurred over, but finally a young man newly from N.J. appeared and they seemed to take his word for it so we got our money.
Then Dona Maria took us to station for car up to Pao da Assucar and left us. It was not a clear day so the Orgao mts were not in sight, but the view was glorious anyway. After that there was only time to buy

Transcription Notes:
Pao da Assucar (Pão de Açúcar) = Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio.