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Brasilian bath tubs, even [[insertion]] in [[/insertion]] so relatively clean a bathroom as here. The meals are excellent with [[underlined]] vegetables, [[/underlined]] which I never had before, except as garnish to meats, save at homes of missionaries. I hope Mrs. Mexia will like it. Of course it isn't convenient, no place to put things except a small wardrobe, but things in Brasil never are convenient.
It took me some time to find out where and when the Villanger lands - 7:30 Monday morning. The agent will take me out in the launch, the boat does not come into the dock. I shall be glad to turn over

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17/22 of this awful baggage to Mrs. Mexia. I was glad to see from her passport that she is quite [[underlined]] young, [[/underlined]] only 49. I'll take advantage of my extreme age to let her look after baggage. I feel as if I'd had my fill of it. Tell Miss Niles the "jinx" followed me to the end. As I said Mr. Meyer took my passport Friday and went down to customs to get my baggage, saying it wasn't necessary to have the keys or for me to go, so I went on to the missionaries here to whom I had letters, to learn what to do about my draft, etc. When I got back