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I am so glad you had good collecting in Uganda. Isn't it thrilling to get into a new region and get quantities of grasses
you never saw growing before. Yes, my sister will do the mounting. Have Miss Niles phone her that you are sending the plants and paper. She has plaster but will want paste. I shall be eager to see the grasses. I hope they will not be put away in the herb. before my arrival. I shall be eager to hear about your trip, also, the ascent of Kilimanjaro and the rest. Was there a terrible bamboo zone to go through?
A letter was received from Mr. Maxwell today saying

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they are leaving Monday next, 13th, [[underlined]] probably [[/underlined]]. So I am going to a limestone region a day's journey to the northwest tomorrow returning Friday, to be ready to join the Maxwell's for Matto Grosso Monday. If you look on the map below the triangle of Minas, where Rio Tiete empties into Rio Parana you will see where the ry enters Matto Grosso. From Campo Grande on this line we go south to near the 
borders of Paraguay, among the Indians. I shall not "keep a gun in my hand" like Col. Dyott. When I heard Dyott at the Geographic Soc. lecture I concluded that he either was afraid of his shadow (like the eminent director in Mulford Exped) or was a vast humbug. At Bennett College in Rio I met someone from Matto