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73 [[in pencil]]April 1, 1930[[/in pencil]]
done a little washing. I'm awfully sorry we couldn't get off the SOS for gasoline today. We may have to wait 2 or 3 days for it. But I [[underlined]] am [[/underlined]] glad this happened, if it had to happen, on the way [[underlined]]to[[/underlined]] Cuyaba, not on the return after so much delay getting there. We ought to get back to Uberlandia at [[underlined]] worst [[/underlined]] by April 23 and I [[underlined]]hope[[/underlined]] before.
This will be mailed in Rio, so when you read this far (if you ever do) you'll know I got out alive - what the midges have left of me. I'm [[underlined] hoping[[/underlined]]we may be able to get some gasoline from a passing caminhão, the [[strikethrough]]R[[/strikethrough]] Campo Grand Road joins [[strikethrough]]out[/strikethrough]] ours on tomorrow's run. There is a mission at Rondonopolis where I stopped just 5 minutes to say