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half an hour. Then two more stops to talk and it was too dark when we reached the rocks for [[underline]]me[[/underline]] to stop. I lay awake in the car last night trying to put my protest into Portuguese and this morning delivered my lecture, but we were long getting off, never the less. But I stopped for half an hour on a gravelly hillside and again 10 minutes to dry driers. We reached here just before 6. José says he [[underline]]has[[/underline]] to make some repairs. That he will try if possible
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to leave after almoça (11 or 12) tomorrow. In staying on the Goyaz side. The road loops back into Goyaz from Sta Rita in Matto Grosso and crosses the river higher up. I'll run out to a bit of varzea near the river in the morning . I've had no startling discoveries on return journey. Found an Axonopus new for me, I think an [[Isacline?]] in water, also new for me; a little more of the erect Arundinaria with spikelets, pretty old ones, Pasp approximatium again only enough for 3 specimens, and somethings