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the sound I judge they paraded around it.
We did get off early yesterday. Jose came to my door at 4:45 while I was changing driers. Cafe (warmed up) and bread and [[underline]] butter [[/underline]] were ready at 5 (I gave the girl a tip for getting up so early) and we were off by moonlight. It is surprising how much the country has dried up since we passed 3 weeks ago. The campos are now well past their best. I guess I went just about the best time. I got more Boutelona brasiliensis, more mature
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than before. I walked the last 6 km (according to Jose) but I think it was more. I think he has no more idea of distance than of time. ^ [[insertion]] Day before [[/insertion]] Yesterday's 10 km was certainly not that much, and yesterday I had to stumble along the road the last half hour in the dark. Goyaz is higher than Matto Grosso and it is very cold at night. The last few nights I've shivered all night, though I add the voluminous mosquito net to the bedding. 
I have greatly enjoyed this trip, at least when I wasn't