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night, but didn't say I'd send him a print as he expected . Of course I wouldn't. He has fussed when I untied the ropes before to get the camera and this time, because he wanted a picture [[strikeout]] I [[/strikeout]] he must have left the camera untied. I feel desperately bad over it, but my first thought was thank heaven I had not put my field book in the camera case as I have done some days fearing it [[underline]] might [[/underline]] drop out of the pocket in my portfolio with my hurried jumping
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 in and out. [[strikeout]] All [[/strikeout]] The Goyaz - Matto Grosso exposures, 10 only, were in the camera case. Well I [[underline]] can [[/underline]] buy another camera and I couldn't replace the field book. If I had acceded to Jose's wish to stop and take pictures of him and the car and another of the car and me I'd have discovered the loss sooner. I had so much packing to do that night, and he had started so late and then spent 15 minutes visiting at a house (I walked on but it was all grazed and weedy) so I  told him there wasn't time.
--Uberaba Tuesday 8:30 am