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Hemisphere was made in that country.  And a woman (though I surmise a very unwilling one) was at the bottom of it.  When Francis I of Austria sent his daughter Leopoldina to Brazil to marry the crown prince (the man later known as the Liberator) he sent an honorary escort of scientists with her.  This Francis was a grandson of Maria Theresa and he was the grandfather of Maximilian the short-lived "emperor" of Mexico and of the late Francis Joseph of Austria.  Francis I was a patron of science on the side.  Opportunism in politics seems to have been his principal occupation.  In 1810 he gave his daughter Marie ^[[ [4] ]] Louise to Napoleon, then at the height of his power; and in 1817, Napoleon being down and out^[[,]] he gave his younger daughter Leopoldina to the royal family that had fled before Napoleon from Portugal to Brazil.  Poor Leopoldina seems to have been as reluctant a bride as was Marie Louise.  She delayed her departure so long that some of the eager scientists of the honorary escort set sail without her.  Martius, the Bavarian leader of the scientific expedition and some others set out for Brazil and arrived at Rio de Janeiro^[[ | ]]in July 1817.  Leopoldina did not arrive until November.  She lived but eight years longer.  Dom Pedro, the last emperor of Brazil, was her son.  

[[strikethrough]] I reached Rio the first of November. I had [[/strikethrough]] ^[[1924 You have all]] seen pictures and read descriptions of Rio harbor but the reality [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[is]] almost overwhelming.  As we entered the bay with peaks in all directions I had the sensation of sailing into the tops of a mountain chain on a flood.  Sugar Loaf rises a sheer 1250 feet from the water.  [[strikethrough]] My first objective was Pernambuco-- ships from U. S. did not stop th er so I had to got to Rio and then up on a Dutch coffee ship. [[/strikethrough]]

[[left margin]] ^[[lantern Rio 1964]] [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
* added handwriting formatting