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[[date stamped]] [[box outline]] A. S. H. Jan 9 1930 [[x outline]] [[/date stamped]]

Viçosa, Dec 17, 1929 (Tuesday)

Dear Prof Hitchcock,
We reached here Saturday night - heavenly place and most cordial welcome. Dr. Rolfs was pretty much exhausted by the doings of "commencement," which were Friday to Sunday. We, with the Rolfs, were guests at almoçar at the dormitories Sunday at 11:30 - a great spread, with speeches by everybody.  Sunday night the diplomas were given, medals pinned on, speeches, music by a band, and very good music by a violinist, ending with a dance and buffet supper. I'd been botanizing all afternoon (got quite a lot) but stayed looking on at the dance with Miss Rolfs - who was longing to go to bed as much as I was.  I 

Transcription Notes:
almoçar = lunch