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could understand quite a bit of Dr. Rolfs' address but precious little of the others.  The students orated most gorgeously.  Great changes have been made since I was here.  I have a number of [[strikethrough]] picture [[/strikethrough]] photo-postals showing the buildings, [[insertion]] few [[/insertion]] humans and other animals.  It is a wonderful piece of work that is being done here.  As [[margin, vertical blue line]] Ambassador Morgan said, speaking of the Rolfs family, it is the most important work done by any American in Brasil. [[/margin, vertical blue line]]
Yesterday Miss Rolfs, Mrs. Mexia [[margin, vertical blue line]] and I, two of the new young profs. from Cornell and four young Brasilians [[/margin, vertical blue line]]went mule back to São Geraldo, about 15 miles off, up hill and 

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down, collecting on the way. I got several grasses I did not get here before (different season) and Mrs. M. got a lot. It is still cloudy or drizzly and if it wasn't for the Rolfs' kitchen stove my collections would suffer badly. They are drying very slowly as it is. I had a mule with a most agonizing trot and am stiff and sore today. Prof.  Muller (phytopath - one of the 3 from Cornell) is even less used to horseback than I am and feels the same way about it. We walked quite a bit, letting the Brasilians bring our mules. We came back on the train, the animals to be brought back today by two of the Brasilians. I enjoyed