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XXII [[double underlined in red]] Setifolia [[/double underlined in red]]
133. rupestre
134. setifolium  ^[[Itatiaya?]]
135. siccaneum
136. subulatum  ^[[f obovatum in Ungrouped]]
XXIII [[double underlined in red]] Rudgeana [[/double underlined in red]]
139. campestre ^[[B]]
140. rudgei ^[[B [[checkmark]] ]]
XXIV [[double underlined in red]] PUNGENTES [[/double underlined in red]]
142. chnoodes ^[[Trin]]
143. eligulatum
144. loreum ^[[Trin B]]
145. pungens ^[[Trin]]
^[[146. Itacolumense]]
XXV [[double underlined in red]] Latissima [[/double underlined in red]]
147. rude
148. latissimum ^[[Mikan B]]
^[[149. macrophyllum Raddi B]]
1^[[50]]. secundum
15^[[1]]. blepharophorum ^[[Mez not Preel]]