Viewing page 14 of 78

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[[blank page]]

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^[[§ [[Section sign]] ]] [[double underlined in red]] STREPTOSTACHYS 
[[/double underlined in red]]
187. asperifolium ^[[B]]

^[[ [[Section sign]] §]] [[double underlined in red]] OTACHYRIUM [[/double underlined in red]]
189. versicolor ^[[ [[checkmark]] ?]]
190. pterigodium
191. goeldii
^[[192. hemigymnus]]

^[[ [[Section sign]] §]] [[double underlined in red]] ACROCERAS
[[/double underlined in red]]
193. zizanioides ^[[B]]
194. paucispicatum 
[[line across page]]
^[[B 195. olyroides Vo]]
[[line across page]]

[[double underlined in red]] UNGROUPED 
[[double underlined in red]]
196. discrepans
^[[196 + gigas [[Duran?]] ined.]]
197. glabrinode
^[[197+ gladiatum Narvea, cult from Brazil [seed] in Wien]] 
198. grandifolium ^[[Döll Brazil [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] found in Vienna]]
^[[198+ hemitomon]]
199. hirtum [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
^[[( [[strikethrough]] 199 + (lofgrenii H. ined. [[/strikethrough]] ) glands on st. lemma [[insertion]] see Ichnanthus gardneri [[/insertion]] ]]
200. longissimum ^[[(Mez) Sacciolepis karsteniana Mez T]]
201. macranthum
[[strikethrough]] 202. magnum Hitche. [[/strikethrough]]
203. megastachyum Nees; Trin. 1826

Transcription Notes:
minor edits - @siobhanleachman