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[[underlined, diagonally]] Left [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] O. Von. Sieraskoski [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Home Phone [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 3 - Shirley Rd [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Nov. [[circled]] 24 [[/circled]] off after 2 hrs conversation [[circled]] Ill. Airforce Base [[/circled]] [[insertion]] [[circled]] Scotts [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] in Andrews A.F. Base land next at [[line linking to "Ill." circle above]] Fly at 8 000
Mats Head quarters = [[line linking to "Scotts" circle above]]
with members of St party, including Lt. Pacheo.
Wanted to wave from window but found I was anchored with seat belt.
got ticket for lunch  I had 166 lbs lugage plus [[underlined]] 182 [[/underlined]] for me with clothes. 172 without
[[line across page]]
Left Andrews at noon
[[line across page]]
Arr. Scott at 3.30 p.m