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26th [[circled]] I am #26 on food list [[/circled]] Lv. Honol 3:30 p.m. [[underlined]] Ar. [[/underlined]] Checked in at 2 with my [[overwrites Ba?]] luggage out to plane so had to carry mine, ran into nice commander of base who drove us out to plane. Later paged to get on manifest Capt. [[Grendison?]] I [[think?]] [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 26th / above [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] One reason did not go out ^[[insertion, line linking to]] at 6 am [[/insertion]] was raining sun did not come out till 7 30 [[end page]] [[start page]] Alvina S & Barbara July 15. Inc Income # 2,952,150 $22.00 # 4,269,175 $20.35 [[line across page]] AΠC Barbara. July 11 $2.48 # 442-2170-003 (1003) July 11 W.L.S. # 644-4150-004 $ 22.28 (1102) [[line across page]] Miss. Valley Cas. W.L.S. + Alv. $15 [[superscript, double underlined]] 00 [[/superscript, double underlined]] #002948 [[line across page]] Barb. Boeing Air plane #24660 $525 22.00 20.35 2.48 ----- 44.83 = 46.08
Transcription Notes:
Just added missing double brackets -- otherwise no changes