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[[floorings?]] are wall to wall in rooms. Furniture is all like that we discarded when I was 14 or 15yrs old, if not before. Wash 24{Scott 24 to Travis, spent nite and next {day, till 3:30p.m {[[strikethrough]] Slept at Travis [[/strikethrough]] [[line]] 25 Over nite on plane arr Hickham Field 11 30 a.m. [[circled]] 26 [[/circled]] Slept there LV. to Canton Id slept on plane [[circled]] 27 [[/circled]] to Nandi [[circled]] 28 [[/circled]] Arr. Christchurch went to Bot Garden bet 4 30 & 5 30 dinner at 6± [[end page]] [[start page]] [[right margin, boxed]] All local time [[/right margin]] Checked in at Wash Andrews A.F.B. at 10 a.m. left at noon [[line across page]] Arr. Scott AFB } 3:30 p.m LV ""[[dittos for: Scott AFB} 5:00 p.m. [[circled]] 24th [[/circled]] 1 1/2 hr stop [[line across page]] Arr. Travis [[circled]] 9:30 [[/circled]]}[[circled]] 24 [[/circled]] 9:30 pm Leave Travis [[arrow to right]] } [[circled]] 25 [[/circled]] 3:30 p.m Slept. [[line across page]] Arr. Hickham Field } over nite hrs 11:30 am [[circled]] 26 [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] 11:30 [[/strikethrough]] p.m. LV [[arrow to right]] } 3:30 pm Slept [[line across page]] Arr. Canton Id } [[circled]] 26 [[/circled]] LV ""[[dittos for: Canton Id]]} 10:30 p.m. [[line across page]] Arr. Nandi (Fiji) 4.00 a.m LV Nandi "[[ditto for: Fiji]] 6.00 am (08 [[circled]] 27 [[/circled]] [[line across page]] Arr Christchurch [["?]] 28th 2 00p.m to Hotel about 4 30 Met Sommerson who was at Gainsbourgh on street also Hoffman.