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[[doodle underlined]] Uuira [[/doodle underlined]]

Dr G. Marlier
Dpt of Zoology
University of Brussels

Dpt of Nuclear Physics
Univ. of Brussels.

Belgian on ship. - going to Pole Station,
28th went Botanic Garden bet 4 & 6 (4 30 - 5 30)

Georges Marlier
229 Avenue Montjoie
Brussels 18
[[line in center of page]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[text outlined by 'doodled' box, with triangles at corners]] [[underlined]] Philosophy [[/underlined]] of organization [[image - triangle]] Goodal 27th August arrives to April 1st [[/text outlined by box]]

Nov. 29th [[insertion, circled]] 29 [[/insertion]] Went out to airport with Jack and Ken Moulton to keep date with McDonald
Sat in on Navy conf by accident? No? [[Crawley?]] [[deFarges?]] & Len [[P?]] were there [[too?]] I was late & at rear [[I?]] was waiting for bus at circle when a man offered me a lift
Douglas Mac[[insertion]]Mc[[/insertion]]Kenzie
[[line across page]]

Early in a.m went for walk met Jack at camera shop. went back [[strikethrough]] wih [[/strikethrough]] for film to test.

Transcription Notes:
Uuira - link to Maori mythology?