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29th Did not get to Museum to see Turbott
30 - 1 [[circled]] 3d [[/circled]] [[underlined]] one night [[/underlined]]
29-30 [[circled]] 2nd [[/circled]] [[underlined]] " " [[dittos for: one night]] [[/underlined]]
28-29 [[circled]] 1st [[/circled]] [[underlined]] " " [[dittos for: one night]] [[/underlined]]
[[circled]] 27-28 [[/circled]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Nov. 30 -
Went to Camera Shop to see about Camera repair. It seemed hopeless Gave me name of L. took it around in a.m before going airport & A.A.R.P to check over clothing.

While there learned that Edisto departure had been postponed as she had to take place of her breakers which needed some repairs & had returned to Wellington for the purpose //

Met N.Z. counterpart Eddy Goodall. 

Stayed for lunch at Terminal odd sandwiches