Viewing page 19 of 63

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Austin Williams, Univ. N. Carolina
Inst Fisheries Research
[[underlined]] Moorehead City, North Carolina [[/underlined]]
spotted a brown shrimp postlarval ^[[insertion]] (penaeus) [[/insertion]] in N.C.
A re-examination of Ovalipes species in the Carolinas
The influence of temperature in osmotic regulation in two species of estuarine sprimps (Penaeus)
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[[start page]]
[[text in regular orientation]]

Canvas bag                  40 oz
Duffle " [[Ditto for: bag]] 21
Camera lenes
  & expos. meter            83
Camera Case                 46
Field glasses               82
Brief Case empty            64
Misc. junk                  36
Books & paps                51
Cheese cloth                55
Black boots 56 oz each     112