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Books to get: [[underlined]] see Woznikowski [[/underlined]] marked 12/6 Geo. Allen & Unwin Ltd London [[underlined]] 1963 [[/underlined]] Continental Cans Miller ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] Perrin [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] and ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] Ruth [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] Willock (Allen & Unwin) pp. 76 & 78 particularly [[double line]] "Is it good English [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] and like matters by John O'London 2/6 [[double line]] [[underlined]] Lots of Limericks [[/underlined]] Louis Untermeyer (W.H.Allen London, 1962 [[double line]] Sea Swallow" Vol.10, 1957 p 18-19 [[double line]] N.Z. Journal Science Vol. 4, No. 3, 1961, pp. 664-68 Miller, R.G. "Notothenid Fishes from Cape Hallett ..." [[double line]] Whats New in Magic by Walter B. Gibson. Hanover House, Garden City, N.Y. 1956, © [[double line]] A Treasury of British Humor, edit by Morris Bishop. Coward-McCann Inc. New York © 1942 In it see particularly The Birdikin Family by Archibald Marshall & Soaked in Seaweed by Stephen Leacock. [[right margin, vertically, bottom to top]] Frisbie [[underlined]] South Seas [[/underlined]] [[double underlined]] Tuamotus [[/double underlined]] [[/right margin]] [[boxed text]] New Yorker Sept.29, 1962 | Antiques & walking st. Line [[/boxed text]] [[circled]] Oct 6 1962 Coffee from helicopter to mt. climbers 25¢ [[/circled]] [[boxed text, between { & }]] Return to the Wild by Norman Carr. 1962 © E.P.Dutton & Co. Inc. [[/boxed text]] [[underlined]] June 30/62 Peace Corps [[/underlined]] [[text in three columns]] [[column 1]] November Atlantic 105 Anniversary Issue p.70 - Arnold Toynbee The Mayan Mystery - Tikal - p.71 Hard won surplus was\n't? ater all ^ [[/column 1]] [[column 2]] Whats wrong with vocational schools People in trades make as good and often better living than [[double underlined]]av. clerk. [[/underlined]] or white white collar worker. [[/column 2]] [[vertical line separating column 2 from column 3]] [[column 3]] [[circled]] Aug 62 Readers Digest [[circled]] from Fortune [[/circled]] Negros in America [[/circled]] All time M.L.King has devoted to testing law should be devoted to raising level, what a greater crusade it would be. [[line across column 3]] Note struck in above article is fine suggestion, but needs to be driven hove, realistically & practically [[line]] [[/column 3]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[insertion, in blue]] These letters are but few that were written; carbons on tablets should be inserted in this book for notes contained in then. [[/insertion]] Dec,4-62 Dear Stummy, Here we still are, I hardly know what to write. In the hotel they moved me to a single room on the second floor a bother because I'll only be here another day or two. Tomorrow or the next day I move in with Jack Crowell at Eddie Goodall's place. I did not go out Sunday with Jack because I wanted to see the Museum director G.A. Turbot, and a Dr Stonehouse who has been up on the Palmer Peninsula where we are going or expect to go. Stonehouse was due last night at 5 oclock but did not return on the plane. I had thought he was on vacation but he's down at McMurdo. [[line]] The weather is/as I wrote before. The present is the more rainy season and though its summer we get temperatures in the low 40's at night, and in the low 60's (63⁰) at midday if the sky clears by then and the sun comes out./// There is no heat in these rooms or this hotel except the hot water tap and a fireplace in some of the rooms. There was one in the double room we had but none in the cubicle I am in now. /// I am sitting here writing on my lap because there is no table and bureau top is too high, wearing my heavy blue shirt. On bed [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] I have besides sheet, two thin blankets and 2 spreads white, and red one. Yes, I am plenty warm, but at that the room is colder than out of doors, at least when I go out after breakfast. The other reason I have not yet moved out of hotel is that Eddie Goodalls place is way out by the airport and the busses that go by his place run 45 mins apart in busy - rush hours - and 1.10 mins