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Gee Stummy, I should have sent you out to Barb's before I left. Please don't feel apprehensive about money matters or Barb, or me either things will work out alright. I believe I get $12 a day per d for the days we are not either on a ship or at this station. Of course I [[Had?]] pay the hotel, but I shall get the per diem which will more than offset it. Then I should get the $1,800 on top of that.  It will more than cover all the bills and some besides, and that is not taking the "pay" checks into account.  Stop worrying. It looks as though I shall come through alive to plague you the rest of our days. And don't worry about Barb until you see for yourself this time out there.
Too bad about Ruth. To think after all these busy years that she had to run into this trouble what ever it is.  ||| The Seiglers sent me a ^ [[insertion]] Xmas [[/insertion]] card!  Be good Stummy we aren't going to be so badly off.  I'll check over those taxes when I get back
Lots of love girl and then some Waldo