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[[insertion, clipping from ship's bulletin]] 23 JAN -- Anchored 500 yeards north of Bonaparte Point, Arthur Harbor, Anvers Island. Conducted detailed survey northern part of the Arthur Harbor area. Put to sea during night due to heavy weather with 60 knot winds. Returned to anchorage 231300Z. continued work. Ran survey to ice piedmont approach from land. Plan conduct survey souther part of Harbor area. [[/insertion]] ^[[Willy Wah evening of 22nd [[triple underlined]] January [[/triple underlined]] ]] ^[[Arthur Hbr. No Gentoos; 3 chinstraps otherwise all Adelies]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[top right corner of page has been cut out. Visible text from next page follows]] inghold. Jan.22/23/63 [[circled]] 26 [[/circled]] I asked for air [[?]] [[/visible text]] Wildlife Survey ANVERS ISLAND AREA January, 1963 T. Berg Anvers Island- British Base Arthur Harbor Skua Giant Petrel Artic Tern ^[[Torgeston Id. = [[underlined]] Adelies [[/underlined]] ]] Bonaparte Point Giant Petrel Litchfield Island Adelie penguin Giant Petrel Skua Halfway Island Adelie penguin Humble Island Adelie penguin Giant Petrel Skua ADELA[[strikethrough]]D[[/strikethrough]]IDE ISLAND AREA Avian Island Adelie penguin Blue-eyed shags Giant Petrels Skua Gull Cape Rotherea Arctic Tern ^[[With Lockroy, Gentoos [[vertical line on left side of paragraph]] Come in predominant till Chinstraps take [[underlined]] over [[/underlined]] [[/vertical line]] [[underlined]] Many colonies [[/underlined]], could not identify because could not spare time to scout them or weather & ice conditions did not permit.]]
Transcription Notes:
Torgeston Island s/b Torgeson Island, center of an Adelie penguin breeding study.