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[[circled]] 47 [[/circled]]
Feb. 8 Friday
[[margin, extended {]] Awakened at 6:00 Breakfast 6:30
Temp. 34, overcast rainy, s. wind 4 knots presaajes good. [[/margin]] Sounding out boat channel, Dorian Bay, was in order but Jack who arranged this did not seem to [want] want to be bothered by a shore party when Mac spoke of going, but when Berg & Dain showed up he took all three. I staid behind, because there would be the matter of landing them and getting them off again.  This Dorian Bay business was the result of my saying that we had no business leaving area without knowing what [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]] depth of boat channel to "basin" at head of Bay was.  That that would be one of questions asked of us when we got back to Wash. As a result we returned to Dorian Bay (anchored in Lockroy) just to do this job, and Jack seemed to prefer to do it alone, so I stayed back.  Also I suggested that he take two extra men in addition to boat crew to help with sounding And his answer was that boat crew could do a little hand lining without any extra help. -  So that was that -. Campbell told them as boat pulled away that they might run into a bit of wind around the point. The Chilean Lt. has no cold weather clothes, so I offered to share mine with him.  We'll see.