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I persistently record my own small doings. and rarely touch on the great things soldiers are doing - in the great World struggle between Right and Wrong.
Damascus is to-day taken by the gallant English Crusaders - Bulgaria stops fighting - Cambrai - is all but taken - and the Hun is certainly tasting bitter medicine - but only [[underlined]] tasting [[/underlined]] it - he must be made to swallow and gulp down great quantities.
Sent Corrina a Cable.
Dined with Jack and ended a very long day indeed.
Heard to-day that Arlo Bates died August 14.
Thursday Oct 3.
Clear fine day. and continued good news from all fronts.
Dorothy [[?]] (Madame X) came in to-day with a letter from Winthrop Ames. - After dinner to-night I called on sweet little Lucinda Bateson. who looks very dear in her [[?]] costume.
Friday October 4.
Another clear day - misty in the morning and bright all the rest of the day - Just one Y.M.C.A thing after another all day. and the sum total of accomplishment quite considerable - Lunched with Casper Whitney at a Duval. - he persists in misunderstanding the question of Y.M.C.A selling, thinks they ought to give away their stuff - it is'nt the first time that I have told him we are not allowed to do this by the Army itself - I wonder if other facts. or observations of his are also untrustworthy.
After lunch went to Couderts. and bought 16 coats & gay striped waistcoats - for 120 francs. not a bad price - An appreciative letter from