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were bundled into a taxi - and taken over to the Y, on Rue St. Anne, where we repeated the act to a lot of delighted boys, who were really most appreciative.
If my passes come to-morrow - I may be going up to the British Front on Thursday morning. - Nothing heard from Cowley - he should have been in this morning, he isn't his own master in this game - and he must learn it right off. 
Mr. Carter - Sloan and Pratt. were there to-night and were enthusiastic about the whole program and the way everything was put over -
Wednesday. 24
Good news still from the Front - our boys, going along strong with the French, and the English getting a look in also.  Inspected our new quarters at 10 Rue D'Elysee.. where I found Williams and Madame very hard at work making the place tidy and neat.  Had an interview with Abbott Graves, a Boston Painter, whom I have never met before.  also had other interviews with possible coaches - Mr. O Connor amongst the number.
Hervey Wetzel and I met by accident in the corridor of the Crillon - where I was waiting for Jack to come in - and he for Billie Wendell.  - Hervey remarked that he had never been into the bar at the Crillon - and I never had - we agreed it was a pernicious habit - this absorbing [[?]] carried on at bars - and at that moment of our decision along came that young banker Billie W. who promptly invited us both to the act of absorbtion we had just been disavowing, - and he wouldn't take no for