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[[insertion from left page]] 9th day 1 mile [[/insertion from left page]]
Saturday Dec. 1st.  This day opens with a beautiful sunrise and a light wind from the South which however soon died out and the men took to tracking at 7.30 a.m. 12 o'clk The South wind overtook us and at this hour we find ourself looking out of a window at the mud bank at which we are moored only about a mile from our starting place.  West bank
And the day ends under the lea of the Same mud bank - 
[[insertion from left page]] [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 10th day 1 mile [[/insertion from left page]]
Sunday Dec 2d. 
Today we made about another mile - and such is the way of living on the Nile. 
[[insertion from left page]] [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 11th day 1 mile [[/insertion from left page]]
Monday Dec 3d 
This day commenced fair with no wind at all until about 3 P.M. when a light breeze from the North set in but soon died out after our start and this night we are moored on an island across the river about half a mile from the start. West bank