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[[insertion from left page]] 10th day [[/insertion from left page]]
Tuesday Dec. 4th  And another south wind.
Its getting monotonous.  Dowie walked up to Rikka (across the river) to send a tel[[superscript]] m [[/superscript]] to Joe but it was refused as orders were that that office was "closed to European correspondance."
Must try tomorrow at Wasta if we get there. Mother and the kids playing cards at my table don't improve my handwriting.  
[[insertion from left page]] 11th day 2 miles [[/insertion from left page]]
Wednesday Dec. 5  Day opens with the usual South wind - About 9 a.m. it died out and the men took to tracking and - we made another mile. or so  - Rain - 
We sent Dowie and Yuseff to Wasta to try to get a telegram to Joe and find more bread &c. Expect him back by midnight. 
The Reis says that this weather was expected at Cairo and that Prof Syce and others were waiting for it to blow out - We are ahead of them and saving hotel bids in Cairo. if that is any consolation.