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[[insertion from left page]] 16th day 46 miles [[/insertion from left page]]
Saturday Dec 8.  The day opens fair with a good wind from the North which kept increasing until it was almost a gale, and which bowled us along quickly and we reached Fechen by 6 o'clk P.M.
We found postal card at P.O. from Joe mailed some letters and telegraphed to Joe to answer at Mahagath
[[insertion from left page]] 17th day 19 miles [[/insertion from left page]]
Sunday Dec. 9  Day opens fine but no wind
Some trouble getting an early start. 10.45 we made a start with a fair wind and reached Mahaglia at 3.15 where we found a post card and a telegram from Joe giving us two weeks later news from him - from thence with a failing wind we fetched up at Sharona about 6 miles further on after dark. Being tired of doing nothing the old folks went to bed early and so ends this day. 
[[insertion from left page]] 18th day 1 mile [[/insertion from left page]]
Monday Dec 10   The day opened quiet at sunrise a heavy mist set in with air from the South