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[[insertion from left page]] 18th continued [[/insertion from left page]]
Dec 10.  Mother picked up a Coptic friend in a white nightgown who escorted her through the village and visited two or the churches & a private house. I and Dowie in the mean time was interviewing two of the Sheiks.  
About 12.30 the men took to tracking and at present writing are making fair time.
I think the crew have a sheep somewhere about. 1 P.M.  stopped tracking and tied up. 
The sheep above mentioned turns out to be a fish a yard long. which one of the sailors caught. 
Progress about half a mile. And here we rest for the night unless a good wind comes & if so the reis will put out.  
[[insertion from left page]] 19th day [[/insertion from left page]]
Dec 11th Tuesday   No wind all day
Charcoal getting short.  not able to find any.  
Corinna and Janette went to Aus. Church (Presbyterian) this evening,  by invitation.  
Four watchmen kept guard all night unbeknown to us and kept G'ma awake by crackling of their fire.