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[[insertion from left page]] 20th day 34 miles [[/insertion from left page]]
Wednesday Dec 12 Day opened still but at 9 o'clk with increasing North [[insertion]] ^west [[/insertion]] wind we start.
After working hard [[polosing?]] and light winds help about 9 o'clk we made just a few miles below Minsa.
[[insertion from left page]] 21st day 20 miles 172 miles from Cairo [[/insertion from left page]]
Thursday Dec 13 Fair and still until 10.30 when a good wind came up and we made a start. 12.30 arrived at Mincah and as we are out of charcoal, are obliged to stop and mourn to see the good wind go bye - and for us wasted - Malish -
Stores are bought by both Crew & passengers and at 2 P.M. we are again off for Luxor. At 7.30 we moored about a mile above Bemi Stassan & on the West Bank
[[insertion from left page]] 22nd day 25 miles [[/insertion from left page]]
Friday Dec 14 Day opens fair. H.A.U. Co. St Nubia went up early this a.m. towing a native boat. 8.45 am. we start tracking - to get around a curve. Fair wind all day but very crooked river. Made landing about two miles above Tel el Amana. At 8 o'clk all a-bed except Janette.