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[[insertion from left page]] 24th day continued [[/insertion from left page]]
Sunday continued
Dec. 16 Instead of paying the men 1½ £ the Moudir ordered that they be paid [[strikethrough]] 120 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 100 [[/insertion]] P.T. and discharged which leaves us here short of men to get to Assiout and for which we blame the Moudir in as much as the mens time of one month had not expired. If we get a good wind we will try to get to Assiout where with the help of a sheep and a new crew which the Capt. will get we hope to continue our voyage.
[[insertion from left page]] 25th day no crew Deix Mus - still little wind - [[/insertion from left page]]
Monday 17 This day opens quiet with light S. to E. winds and so continues through the day.
This makes 8 days sailing.
1 " [[ditto for: day]] at Helowau
16 " [[ditto for: day]] idle or tracking a mile or so say in all 6 miles
[[line under 16]]
25    Idle ds in succession
I think the days we lie here - no men or they refusing to work should be deducted from our time at the end if
we so desire